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No Fees Unless We Win

(608) 784-4370

Intersection Car Accidents

Intersection accidents are common in Wisconsin. According to the Department of Transportation, 50% of all accidents take place at or near intersections. We aren’t surprised. Stop signs and stoplights create bottlenecks. With so many cars in one space, it’s never a shock when one driver crashes into another.

At Fitzpatrick, Skemp & Butler, LLC, our legal team can help anyone injured in an intersection crash. We know what evidence is helpful and how to analyze fault. Below, our Wisconsin car accident lawyers look at common intersection accidents and identify why they are complicated.

Running a Red-Light Accident

A motorist might run a red light because they are in a hurry, or because they fell asleep or were distracted and never saw the light or stop sign up ahead. Another common reason is intoxication. Drunk motorists often cannot stop in time because their reflexes are so slowed.

Another cause might be weather. Snow and ice are very slippery. Even a careful driver might be unable to stop in time when their car enters a skid. We can review whether the government was at fault for failing to keep the roads clear.

These accidents often happen at high speeds, especially if a driver was trying to beat the light before it turned red. As a result, you can suffer horrifying injuries when struck by a speeding vehicle.

Failure to Yield Accidents

Wisconsin law has detailed rules for how motorists should yield at intersections. For example, when multiple drivers reach the intersection at once, the motorist on the left shall yield to a motorist on their right.

Some drivers ignore this rule. Instead, they simply head through the intersection whenever they want. The result? Too many collisions.

Proving which driver failed to yield is complicated. There probably is no video evidence, especially in rural areas. Each driver might point the finger at the other.

Left-Hand Turn Accidents

Left-hand turns are dangerous because a motorist needs to cross oncoming traffic. Some drivers are tempted to jump across at the first opportunity, but they might misjudge how much time they have. Instead, they jump immediately in front of an oncoming vehicle and cause a collision.

Fault is hard to establish with left-hand turn accidents. For example, the driver making the turn might allege an oncoming motorist was speeding or even ran a red light. We need to gather as much evidence as possible to choose between competing versions of the accident.

Left-hand turn accidents can expose anyone in the passenger seat to major injuries. The car might take a direct hit on that side.

Rear End Collisions

A motorist sitting at a red light can get crunched from behind when a driver fails to slow down. There are many reasons:

  • Excessive speed—it takes more space for a vehicle to come to a step the faster it is traveling.
  • Distraction—a driver with her nose pressed to a cell phone won’t see the driver up ahead.
  • Fatigue—tired drivers cannot stop in time, or they might have nodded off briefly and not even touch the brakes.
  • Vehicle defect—faulty brakes might not work, leading to a collision even though the driver was careful.

Rear end collisions lead to common injuries, including whiplash and concussions. It is usually not difficult to establish fault. After all, a driver is not to blame for stopping at a red light. Nonetheless, these can be high-speed accidents, resulting in major injuries. You should have a lawyer represent you in the settlement negotiations to maximize your financial recovery.

Right on Red Accidents

In Wisconsin, a driver can make a legal right-hand turn on a red light, provided they come to a stop and ensure the way is clear. Some drivers simply “roll through” the red light, regardless of whether any vehicle or pedestrian is in the way, so they end up causing a collision.

These are dangerous accidents. Too many motorists are careless when it comes to right-hand turns. We can help you show the driver didn’t stop as required.

Rollovers at an Intersection

A driver taking a corner at high speeds is at risk of flipping their vehicle. Improvements in vehicle design have increased stability. However, a driver could still flip if they try to take a turn too quickly.

Once a car rolls over, it can slide and crash into other vehicles. All sorts of people can be hurt in a rollover, not simply the passengers in the vehicle.

Rollover accidents are complicated if you were a passenger in the car that flipped. You might need to make a claim against the driver of your vehicle. Common injuries include neck sprains, back sprains, and chest injuries. If you weren’t wearing a seat belt, then you could be ejected from the vehicle.

Illegal U-Turns

When drivers get lost, they can take sudden action. One is to make a U-turn, so the driver can head back in the direction that they came. U-turns are very often illegal, and a driver could crash into other motorists who are surprised. A U-turn is reckless, and we can help hold the motorist accountable for this type of dangerous act.

How Our Personal Injury Firm Can Help. Call Now!

Intersection accidents raise difficult factual issues regarding who is responsible for the wreck. Instead of waiting for the other driver to admit fault, you should call the police to come out and investigate. Also speak with witnesses.

A car accident attorney with Fitzpatrick, Skemp & Butler, LLC can help sift through the evidence to build a case. Our legal team knows how to fight off accusations that you were contributorily negligent in the wreck.

Give us a call. We work on a contingency fee basis, which means you aren’t responsible for paying any legal fees unless we win your case. Our firm has obtained millions for men, women, and children injured in a crash. We offer a free consultation to help you judge whether we are the right firm to represent you in a car accident case.