It’s normal to feel confused and upset when the entity that was supposed to provide coverage for your injuries denies your claim. Luckily, you can contest insurance denials, and legal recourse is possible with the help of a reliable personal injury attorney. Here are some steps you can take if your insurance coverage is denied.
What to Do If Your Insurance Company Rejects an Injury Claim
1. Find Out Why
Knowing why your claim was rejected empowers you to take the necessary steps to remedy the situation. Common grounds for denial include policy exclusions, lapsed policies, disputed liability, inaccurate or incomplete document information, and failure to inform the insurance company on time. If you were not given a clear reason for the denial, ask your claims adjuster for a written explanation. If your request is turned down, contact a personal injury attorney right away.
2. Appeal
Insurance companies typically have an official appeals process in place, and you must submit any pertinent documents or evidence they require. Hire a personal injury attorney who can negotiate with the insurance company and represent you during an arbitration. A qualified trial attorney will have the experience and knowledge to help win your case, and some won’t even ask for fees until you receive the compensation you deserve.
3. File a Lawsuit
You can file a personal injury lawsuit if the insurance company isn’t willing to explain your claim’s denial or won’t respond to your claim at all. You may sue the company for breach of contract since the signed insurance policy acts as a contract between you and the insurer. They are bound by law to pay for valid claims, as laid out in your policy. Ask for advice from a personal injury attorney when you’re planning to file a lawsuit to ensure you take action within the state’s statute of limitations.
[blocsk_image id=’613′ align=’center’]The compassionate and skillful team at Fitzpatrick, Skemp & Associates, LLC, will work tirelessly with you as you deal with your insurance company. Lean on the largest and most experienced law firm in La Crosse, WI, when you or the people you love need a personal injury attorney, car accident attorney, or Social Security disability lawyer in Wisconsin or Minnesota. Call (608) 784-4370 to schedule a free initial consultation, or visit their website to read their past settlements and “no fees unless we win” policy.